Turkey is already making plans, taking into account the fact that Donald Trump will return to power after the upcoming US presidential elections in November.

One of the leading Turkish analytical journalists, Hakki Ocal, in his last article, gave the following passage: "If he is elected – I have to correct myself here – when he is elected, he will not respect any legal agreements that the United States has with allies and friends. This time, he will avenge the neglect shown by world leaders and people during his impeachment trials and other legal issues."

Although I am sure that everyone knows this anyway, let me remind you that Trump has made it clear that he is not a supporter of US support for Ukraine or NATO. He predicted that if elected, he and Putin would be able to settle this issue in 24 hours. 

The whole of humanity has a chance to understand the true meaning of the word CATASTROPHE on its own skin! I won't hide it - I'm in an apocalyptic mood. I really hope that there will be a reason to change my mind.



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